Nabarro LLP
Your future as a lawyer.
Leave nothing to chance.

Taking the risk out of recruiting the brightest and best.

Back in 2010, we created a highly distinctive and very successful graduate recruitment campaign for leading law firm Nabarro. (Ask nicely, and we’ll show it to you.)

Three years on, they decided it was time for a change, and challenged us to come up with something that would present the case for joining the firm in an even more engaging and compelling way. We knew that a big campaign idea was the key to winning the battle for the attention of brilliant young lawyers-to-be. And luckily – or, hang on, maybe luck had nothing to do with it – we came up with one. A rolling dice motif, memorably making the point that, when it comes to something as important as deciding where to start a legal career, absolutely nothing should be left to chance – and highlighted Nabarro’s unique 6 seat offering at the same time.

Like all really big ideas, this one had the versatility to work equally well across all media, and in all formats. We created a totally new graduate recruitment microsite that runs perfectly on laptops, phones, and tablets. We did some lovely posters, too. But the star component of the campaign was almost certainly a dinky little graduate recruitment brochure presented in a velvet bag, accompanied by five real, fully roll-able dice. And very, very popular with would-be recruits. At student law fairs around the country, Nabarro graduate recruitment brochures have been almost literally flying off the shelves. Which should greatly increase the firm’s chances of recruiting the very brightest and best.

Kind words…

“Nabarro have worked with Neon to create our last two graduate recruitment campaigns.

The Neon team worked with us from the outset to produce concepts that would really appeal to students; be eye-catching, thought provoking and set us apart from other law firms in a competitive market – at the same time remaining true to our brand. They listened to our brief, observed, probed and asked exactly the right questions to cut to the heart of what we wanted to get across. For the most recent campaign ‘Your future as a lawyer. Leave nothing to chance’ they produced a new graduate brochure, exhibition stand, posters, advertisements and a responsive micro site. We have been delighted with the results which have won both internal and external praise for being striking, fresh and innovative. Neon have the ability to deliver smart ideas in a simple way – with designs and photography that are exquisite and of an exceptionally high standard.

Dana at Neon is simply great to work with: very creative personable, diplomatic, insightful and persistent (in a good way) – he has a knack of gently chasing at key points throughout the project, keeping you on track without adding to your workload. I really valued his guidance and direction, particularly as we began to work on the detail and the technical elements of the micro site.

Neon’s commitment and enthusiasm have been delivered at every turn and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with them again.”

Graduate Recruitment Manager
Nabarro LLP

To find out more: [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 3289 1733 Share this: Email, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Download PDF, follow us on Instagram or view our animations and movies on Vimeo


Best Trainee Recruitment Campaign, Shortlisted Finalist, 2015
Best Trainee Recruitment Campaign, Shortlisted Finalist, 2015

Campaign strategy/idea
Art direction
Recruitment brochure
Graduate recruitment website
Law press advertising
On-line animations
Exhibition stand
Campus poster campaign
Digital templates

Nabarro 'Your future as a lawyer. Leave nothing to chance.' campaign signature graphic.

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. Nabarro LLP graduate recruitment campaign 'Your future as a lawyer. Leave nothing to chance.' highlighting the key benefits for graduates joining Nabarro LLP, illustrated by the signature dice graphics configured as the number 6 reflect the number of seats on offer. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

Nabarro graduate recruitment A6 brochure with black velvet dice bag and six dice.

Branding and advertising by Neon- Nabarro Law Firm - Law sector branding - Graduate Recruitment Campaign - Leave Nothing to Chance - Brochure with dice bag and dice designed by Dana Robertson

Nabarro graduate recruitment A6 brochure sample spreads.

Branding and advertising by Neon - Nabarro Law Firm - Law sector branding - Graduate Recruitment Campaign - Leave Nothing to Chance - Brochure and sample spreads designed by Dana Robertson

Nabarro graduate recruitment website.

Branding and advertising by Neon - Nabarro Law Firm - Law sector branding - Graduate Recruitment Campaign - Leave Nothing to Chance - website homepage and sample pages designed by Dana Robertson

Nabarro graduate recruitment campaign website and social media animations

Nabarro graduate recruitment Law Fair posters.

Nabarro graduate recruitment Law Fair stand.

Branding and advertising by Neon - Nabarro Law Firm - Law sector branding - Graduate Recruitment Campaign - Leave Nothing to Chance - Law Fair Stand designed by Dana Robertson

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