Neon is an award-winning brand consultancy. We deliver smart strategic thinking and vibrant creativity for businesses and brands.

We create vibrant visual difference, bringing brands and campaigns to life. You will find a few of our recent projects below – or filter all projects according to your challenge and sector.

Branding and advertising by Neon - CMS London Law Firm - Law sector branding - Creative Modern Specialist London City Airport advertising designed by Dana Robertson


Branding and advertising by Neon - Clarion Wealth Management branding - Financial services advertising - Invest in Gems advert designed by Dana Robertson

Clarion Wealth Management

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. Nabarro 125 London Wall interiors branding black and white styling stair detail. A chance to create a total branded environment. We’ve worked with international commercial law firm Nabarro LLP for nearly 10 years. Over that period, we’ve helped them develop a distinctive positioning (reflected in their strapline Clarity Matters), and a a powerful monochrome-based visual identity. So when they told us they were moving their London headquarters to a prestigious new address in the heart of the City, we saw a fantastic opportunity to create a total branded environment; a new home that would bring the firm’s values and personality to life, at every level. Making full use of a flexible brand system. Working closely with interior design specialists TP bennett, we worked with them to create a scheme for the entire building. An early concern was that our black-and-white brand identity could look a bit stark, on such a big scale. But the brand system developed by Neon proved up to the challenge, enabling us to introduce a number of other elements to soften and “humanise” the look and feel of the new building. For example, we saw the impressive double height walls as the perfect place for dazzling flocks of birds, in Nabarro’s origami visual style. And the lift lobbies – where employees and visitors would have a little time to linger and enjoy the view – presented us with an even more enticing creative opportunity. For one, we created a gallery of great buildings of the world, also in origami. For another, we laid every image from our extensive brand library on a powerful black background. For yet another, we challenged lift-users with our campaign of brain-teasing typographic conundrums. While, on the fourteenth floor, we conducted a fascinating in-depth investigation into the number 14… Brand achitecture, in a literal sense. Architecturally, without a doubt the most impressive feature of Nabarro’s new home was the stunning – and strongly branded – steel and marble spiral staircase, to accommodate which it was necessary to remodel the building, drilling through 15 floors. Worth it, though, we think you’ll agree? One other rather lovely feature deserving a mention; the 25 foot wall in the canteen and break-out area. Our idea: to use it, in keeping with the black and white theme, with a giant blackboard highlighting to Nabarros staff the facts and figures of the work require to create their amazing new office spaces – and a competition inviting the firm’s people to submit ideas for us to bring to visually to life in chalk. We’re pleased to say that Nabarro love their new home. And their clients have also responded very positively indeed. Since we started working with the firm, their commitment to establishing a clearly defined positioning and identity has given them a clear edge over their competitors. Now they’ve raised the bar again; this time, not by building a brand, but by branding a building. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

Nabarro LLP
125 London Wall

Seasick Steve on set of Blues in mono photoshoot

Seasick Steve
Video & album artwork

Argonon logo and orangutan eye - by Neon

Argonon rebrand
The World Watches

Nabarro LLP
Clarity Matters

Brand campaign by Neon - designed by Dana Robertson - Charity sector branding - Action for children - I'm an Activist for Action for Children campaign - final still from animation

I'm an Activist
for Action for Children

Advertising by Neon - Clarion Wealth Management branding - Financial services advertising - 'Lifelong' advert design and copywriting by Dana Robertson

Clarion Wealth Planning

Nabarro LLP graduate recruitment campaign 'Your future as a lawyer. Leave nothing to chance.' highlighting the key benefits for graduates joining Nabarro LLP, illustrated by fluffy car dice. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

Nabarro LLP
Your future as a lawyer.
Leave nothing to chance.

A wooden table surrounded by indoor plants with a frame on the table showing Rinkits 'it' language

Rinkit rebrand
Delivering everyday happiness

Branding by Neon Wollens Solicitors Devon, new Wollens brand mark over dune grasses designed by Dana Robertson

The law firm that thinks in full colour – but keeps things black & white

Branding by Neon- Nabarro Law Firm - Law sector branding - 125 London Wall - Welcome Wall designed by Dana Robertson

Nabarro LLP

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. The Goldsmiths' Company redrawn Coat of Arms, shown using gold foil blocking onto stationery. Highlighting the high quality of detailing applied to each of the elements of the Coat of Arms, all crafted to elegantly interlink with each other – reflecting the new high standard of all Goldsmiths' Company communications outputs, which underpin their new positioning Touchstone. A positioining inspired by the touchstone (an essential tool of the trade for testing alloys) held by the demi-maiden in the Coat of Arms. Part of the new brand identity for The Goldsmiths' Company. The Goldsmiths' Company a Touchstone for the industry. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

The Goldsmiths' Company
Brand positioning & identity

Branding by Neon HW Fisher Chartered Accountants girl making triangle with hands Feature image

HW Fisher rebrand
Taking accountancy from dry-and-dusty to dynamic

Branding and advertising by Neon - designed by Dana Robertson - Nabarro Law Firm - Law sector branding - Graduate Recruitment Campaign - Choose The Perfect Seat - signature image

Nabarro LLP
Don't just warm a chair.
Find the perfect seat.

Branding by Neon Kantar CX+ A4 Literature cover samples Sexy Axis Reflex designed by Dana Robertson

Kantar CX+
Creating X factor to CX+ Customer Experience...

Brand campaign by Neon - Action for children Jo Cox loneliness awareness campaign image 2 designed by Dana Robertson

'It starts with hello' Loneliness campaign
for Action for Children

Branding by Neon - Moody's CreditView - The view that counts feature image Designed by Dana Robertson

Moody's CreditView
The view that counts

Branding by Neon - UK Sport - Performance Pathway Team graphic athlete silhouettes designed by Dana Robertson

UK Sport Performance Pathway Team
Giving Team GB an edge

Action for Children National Children’s Hour 'When the big hand reaches for the little hand'. Action for Children the UK children's charity were to launch a new campaign about raising the awareness of the huge need and value to children (through extensive research) of having a least an hour a day play and interaction and activities with their parents or guardians. They needed an identity to help promote the campaign and ideally strike a chord with parents and guardians about the value and importance of this hour to children.The solution? The approach was to create a typographic mark, using the Action for Children red, that indicated the one hour a day with the clockface integrated within the O of the word hour - with the hands subtly inferring an adult with the big hand on the clock and a child peeking out from behind as the little hand on the clock.To add an emotive element to the mark it was married with a play on words with our line “When the big hand reaches for the little hand” to help makethe connection between parent and child. The typographic styling a wood print styling to help reflect the hands on nature of some of the children’s actives hand made printing etc. and to help it feel less corporate. The new mark has helped strongly brand the campaign, in promotional pledge posters,literature for activities for parents and children to try at home, regional after school kids hour events and TV and social media. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

Action for Children
National Children's Hour

Website by Neon - HW Fisher Chartered Accountants website - Feature image of Website

HW Fisher
A dynamic new brand, and a website to match

aurora borealis featuring in Moody's ESG brand launch advert

Moody's ESG Solutions
Leading insight, championing change

Branding and website design by Neon - designed by Dana Robertson - Silver Speaks exhibition logo

'Silver Speaks'
Exhibition & event branding

Humpback Whale featured on Moody's ESG advertising

Moody's ESG Solutions
'Comprehensive' campaign

HW Fisher advertising by Neon - Feature image

HW Fisher advertising
Express your talent...

Brand campaign by Neon - designed by Dana Robertson - Charity sector branding - Action for children - An hour for good graphic

An hour for good
for Action for Children

Branding by Neon - Acumin Cyber Security recruitment - robot designed using Acumin logo roundel designed by Dana Robertson

Adding a little personality to cyber security recruitment

E-Sports Nutrition
Brand creation

Branding and packaging by Neon - designed by Dana Robertson - for Corney & Barrow - Corney & Barrow House Range - detail of four red wine label designs

Corney & Barrow
House Range

E-Sports Nutrition
Ecommerce website

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. The Goldsmiths' Company Gold: Power & Allure posters featuring the three signature graphic photomontages of crowns created by Neon. Neon were commissioned by to create a campaign idea to promote their exhibition Gold: Power & Allure featuring over 400 gold items. After reviewing the 400 objects, Neon celebrated this variety by building three unique and elegant ‘crown’ montages using a variety of different objects from the collection. The ‘crowns’ then become the hero graphic elements on posters, national advertising, literature and web comms. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

The Goldsmiths' Company
Gold: Power & Allure

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. Thames & Hudson approached Neon to help promote their 60th Anniversary celebrations and accompanying activities throughout the year. Neon developed the new 60th Anniversary signature, using the Thames & Hudson dolphin colophon, which was to appear on every branded item for that year. The title of Neon’s initial book of marketing ideas for the year, ‘Sixty years of making a splash’ was adopted by Thames & Hudson as the 60th Anniversary year strapline. Neon’s involvement in the Thames & Hudson 60 years of making a splash project included a wide spectrum of other projects, from a range of limited edition reprints, to literature and in-store branding. Neon were invited to take an overall creative directorship role working with Thames & Hudson’s internal marketing and design teams during the anniversary period. – Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

Thames & Hudson
60th Anniversary

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. Corney & Barrow Pétrus brochure photography detail. Pétrus is, to quote Corney & Barrow, one of

Corney & Barrow
Pétrus brochure

ESN packaging ELX Energy drink and IGF (In Game Food) mealsackaging

E-Sports Nutrition

Naming and branding by Neon Sawhorse Films logo feature image designed by Dana Robertson

Sawhorse Films
Films with cut through

Branding by Neon Castle Cinema logo feature image designed by Dana Robertson

The Castle Cinema
West Sussex pop-up cinema

E-Sports Nutrition
Promotional campaigns

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. Natalia Schroder is an up and coming jewellery designer, whose work has appeared in Vogue and other heavyweight fashion publications. Natalia approached Neon on recommendation to create her new brand identity that would make a elegant impact in the luxury goods market. We elegantly combined Natalia’s initials into a unique monogram, designed to work at a very small sizes, so that it could be used as her ‘maker’s mark’ alongside the hallmarks stamped into her jewellery. The detailing from the monogram carried through onto the refined but strong logotype typography. The colour palette, we used a simple yet sophisticated black and white, with a graphic stripe detail, taken from the feel of the monogram, to be used in packaging, ribbons, tissue wraps and end-paper detailing. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

Natalia Schroder
Brand identity