Neon brand consultancy branding insights


06 – When not being clear is clearly the answer…

Thought we’d throw in a little “Throw back Thursday” project that we used this week as part of a pitch…

‘Clarity Matters’ typographic conundrums…

Communicating clarity by… er, confusing people.

Well, not exactly confusing them – let’s say, giving them something to enjoy puzzling over.

That was the idea behind this little series of typographical conundrums we produced for Nabarro LLP (now #cmslaw), all intended to bring to life the firm’s well established brand promise, ‘Clarity Matters’.

Having moved into new offices, Nabarro had several client spaces and lift lobbies that we identified as great spots to reinforce the brand promise and its benefits.

We developed a list of commercial benefits and then set to work thinking up typographical conundrums to express them – all created using beautifully made origami lettering (as part of Nabarro’s visual style).

The reveals highlighted key benefits to the audience – in this case the commercial VALUE of clarity…

They were then brought to life as posters for clients to muse over whilst waiting for a lift – and had animated on-screen versions around the office too.

Can you fathom them all? (answers below)

Have a peek / enjoy…

Let us know what you think!

If you would like to find out more about Neon or have up and coming project you’d like to chat about then for sure please call on the number below, drop us an email or connect via LinkedIn.

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Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy Typograophic conumdrums ny Neon brand consultancy



Clarity reduces wiggle room…
“No room for manoeuvre”

Clarity means getting straight to the point…
“Don’t beat around the bush”

Clarity eliminates ifs and buts…
“No ifs. No buts”

Clarity can resolve problems before things go to far…
“Out of court”

Clarity ensures agreements are binding…
“Broken contract”

Clarity can reveal the solution that’s right infront of you…
“Right under your nose”

Clarity can make things completely straightforward…
“Open and shut case”

Clarity can reveal the smallest misdemeanours…
“Little white lie”

Clarity gives you complete confidence in your position…
“Hand on heart”

Clarity ensures you’ll never overlook anything important…
“Hidden clause”

Clarity can be essential in certain circumstances…
“Under oath”

Clarity means seeing what others have missed…
“A blind eye”