Category Archive: Dana Robertson

New brand identity for the London barristers Field Court Chambers.
Neon has created the new brand identity for London barristers Field Court Chambers – which all came about through a little bit of local observation…. Field Court Chambers is part of the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, one of the four Inns of Court (professional associations for barristers and judges). We were brought into Field […]

Argonon in the news…
Great to see our / Neon’s rebrand of Argonon Group being rolled out, shown here in good ol’ US of A… A fav project of ours, working with a real champion of creativity Argonon‘s CEO James Burstall If you would like to see more of how Argonon’s brand showcases its creative output and solves how to communicate such […]

A single, exceptionally rare six-litre imperial of 1982 Pétrus, widely considered one of the greatest of all Bordeaux wines, set to go for up to $65,000
Interesting seeing Petrus mentioned in The Guardian: “Billionaire Pierre Chen selling 25,000 bottles including burgundies valued at £156,000 and a very rare 1982 Pétrus” As part of Neon’s rebrand of Corney & Barrow we were invited to refresh their literature and promotional materials – which included creating an oh so lovely brochure for Petrus sent […]

08 – Making a connection… advertising and campaigns by Neon
Our 15th year of doing what we love has been, among other things, a time for positive reflection. And, looking back over what Neon has achieved, we’re quietly proud of the branding projects that have helped our clients grow their businesses, and sharpen their competitive edge. But we’re equally happy with our many and varied […]

Our work for Moody’s helps win another pitch!
What a great way to start the week in being informed we’ve won another pitch – and all will be revealed when we can talk about it! And a big part of that pitch was our work for Moody’s, so we thoughts we’d share some of it here… Our projects during our longstanding relationship with […]

The Arundel Bee Project still buzzing…
Lovely to see on walk back home from London that the Arundel Bee Project is still going strong – a charming little pro bono project Neon completed a while back. The projects purpose is to help raise awareness of the benefits of a thriving bee community, support bee keepers and champion bee friendly planting initiatives […]

Bespoke Britain premium tour company branded by Neon.
Having just recommended them to a client who is coming over to see us from the USA, we thought we’d share our brand and website project for Bespoke Britain tours – a one-stop-shop for beautifully put-together, meticulously planned tour packages and unique experiences, around the UK but mostly in London. An old client from the […]

Neon commissioned by Kantar.
Neon have been commissioned by Kantar to revitalise and refresh Kantar’s visual style to help with global nuance and help support ‘signature Kantar insights’. This continues or longstanding relationship with Kantar, with projects including helping Kantar brand and bring to life its CX+ offering – see full case study here. (Our solution was based around […]

Neon rebrands Argonon.
We recently had some great feedback on a pitch for our work for the production company Argonon (which helped us win the pitch) but it reminded us that we had not popped this rebrand of Argonon on to our journal, so here it is… As an award winning independent international media group encompassing nine production […]

Blast from the past / amazing discovery while geeking out…
We live in a wonderful creative community and when you come across someone you worked with years ago doing something different and amazing it is a real joy. And that was the case when I was indulging my passion of gaming over the years, on buying yet another book from Bitmap books who produce stunning […]

Some old news, but the good news was the humbling comparison…
A bit of Friday feeling! A friend just sent in this old article from around the time Ray Gregory friend of Neon and graphic design tutor / god retired from Norwich Art School. I had obviously missed this at the time and was a lovely note and send off by Gareth Roberts – and to […]

Neon create a new website for Bignor Park Estate, West Sussex.
Through a connection from our work rebranding wine merchants Corney & Barrow and also creating their House range of wines labelling, Neon were approached to create the new website for the Bignor Park Estate in the heart of West Sussex. It was a fantastic project working with Ned Mersey, helping to showcase his family home […]

We forgot to mention… that we won an award for our work for Moody’s ESG!
Hey, a big congrats to Moody’s ESG Solutions’s team for winning the Most Effective Campaign for a Green Product at the Financial Services Forum, Awards for Marketing Effectiveness 2022 with it’s Comprehensive Coverage campaign created by Neon. You can see our ‘Comprehensive’ campaign the work here. This followed on from the strategic positioning job that […]

Simple but hilariously effective creative use of a little bit of cardboard…
A bit of fun / I love simple ideas… Hmmm, history seems to repeat itself for me in regard to being a boxed toy… Love this simple but hilariously effective creative use of a little bit of cardboard, promo-ing the new Barbie film. …I also loved being immortalised as another action figure as part of […]

07 – Brands that really speak to you…
Branding is all about communication – and linking brand ID to copy can smartly solve all manner of brand and communication issues as well as super charge brand awareness. For example, Corner & Barrow were struggling to communicate their experience and knowledge – and had a brand ID that was dusty in feel and impractical […]

06 – When not being clear is clearly the answer…
Thought we’d throw in a little “Throw back Thursday” project that we used this week as part of a pitch… ‘Clarity Matters’ typographic conundrums… Communicating clarity by… er, confusing people. Well, not exactly confusing them – let’s say, giving them something to enjoy puzzling over. That was the idea behind this little series of typographical […]

05 – Beautiful brand marks big and small…
Branding has so many constituent parts… We love the cerebral challenge of brand strategy, positioning, experience, tone of voice etc. But we also love the challenge of creating the humble brand mark, which can communicate so much… We’ve all read and loved ‘No Logo’, equally we’ve also read ‘Yes Logo’ which champions brand icons. Over […]

04 – When the problem is about many things, lots can be the solution…
04 – When the problem is about lots of things, lots of things can be the solution… Many aspects of branding, marketing and campaign work is all about distilling down and finding that single aspect or story to focus on – and then having an idea to bring it to life. However, sometimes when the […]

03 – Big ideas and messages in as few words as possible…
03 – Big ideas and messages in as few words as possible. How to capture, distil and then bring to life a brand idea, positioning, strapline, campaign or advertising message is ever the challenge – but one we’ve come to thoroughly enjoy. Capturing a big idea or message in as few words as possible, delivers […]

02 – Collaborate to elevate a project…
02 – Collaborate to elevate a project We feel collaboration is an essential ingredient to elevating work and an enjoyable project experience – both with our clients and when working others to bring our ideas to life. Over the past 15 years we’ve collaborated with all manner of people on all manner of projects, from […]