The Morning Hormones
Identity & posters

Creating two new superstar DJs.

Leeds-based DJ pairing and event organisers Morning Hormones wanted to bring something different to a music scene full of Ministry of Sound-style overly slick graphics.

They were looking for something that represented their more irreverent style and personality. The identity and posters we created were fronted by two quirky characters, illustrated by Nick Deakin – who quickly became clubbing megastarts in their own right, helping the Morning Hormones to get noticed by record labels and promoters.

Kind words…

“We’re totally stoked about the whole thing, it got us recognised, our posters are not just pinched but in demand.

The Morning Hormones identity & posters are awesome work, we love the little dudes! Big love and respect from the Hormones.”

The good looking half of
Morning Hormones

To find out more: [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 3289 1733 Share this: Email, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Download PDF, follow us on Instagram or view our animations and movies on Vimeo



Character design
Sleeve art
Promotional posters

The Morning Hormones identity and characters.

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. The Morning Hormones identity. Leeds based DJ pairing and event organisers Morning Hormones wanted to bring something different to a music scene full of the Ministry of Sound style overly slick graphics. They required something that represented their more irreverent style and personality. The Morning Hormones identity & posters were the fronted by two new characters illustrated Nick Deakin. Their alter egos soon became much loved and sought after, helping bring the Morning Hormones to the attention of both record labels and promoters. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

The Morning Hormones.

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. The Morning Hormones identity. Leeds based DJ pairing and event organisers Morning Hormones wanted to bring something different to a music scene full of the Ministry of Sound style overly slick graphics. They required something that represented their more irreverent style and personality. The Morning Hormones identity & posters were the fronted by two new characters illustrated Nick Deakin. Their alter egos soon became much loved and sought after, helping bring the Morning Hormones to the attention of both record labels and promoters. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

The Morning Hormones posters.

The Morning Hormones T-shirt.

By Dana Robertson Creative Director and Founder of Neon. The Morning Hormones T-Shirt. Leeds based DJ pairing and event organisers Morning Hormones wanted to bring something different to a music scene full of the Ministry of Sound style overly slick graphics. They required something that represented their more irreverent style and personality. The Morning Hormones identity & posters were the fronted by two new characters illustrated Nick Deakin. Their alter egos soon became much loved and sought after, helping bring the Morning Hormones to the attention of both record labels and promoters. Idea, art direction and design by Neon Design & Branding Consultancy

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