Tag Archive: Design Week

Neon invited to comment in Design Week – thoughts on graphic guidelines resource website.
We were kindly invited to comment in Design Week this week, here’s our two penneth: A new website called Adele showcases the design systems of famous brands such as BBC, Audi and Buzzfeed all in one place, as a resource for designers to see how these companies built their websites and visual identities. Creative directors share their […]

Neon invited to comment in Design Week – Designers’ explorations of colour.
We were kindly invited to comment in Design Week this week, here’s our two penneth: Last week, an exhibition at the Design Museum opened exploring Hella Jongerius’ research into the subjectivity of colour. Now, we ask designers to tell us about when they’ve consciously chosen shades to evoke certain emotions. “Colour creates mood, and every project has a particular […]

Neon invited to comment in Design Week – From buses to border control, strange places designers have been inspired.
The design of the classic Land Rover car was first conceptualised with a drawing in the sand of a Welsh beach in 1947. Design Week asked designers about the most bizarre places that they have formulated ideas. Here’s our snippet in the pic above and text below… “Ideas can and do happen anywhere. But, in terms of […]

Neon invited to comment in Design Week – Pantones colour of the year 2016.
15-3919 Serenity and 13-1520 Rose Quartz were chosen as Pantone’s ‘Colour of the Year’ for 2016 and Design Week followed up on a feature it ran asking designers which colour they think will best represent 2016. Here’s our snippet in the pic above and text below… “Hmm, not sure I share Pantone’s somewhat utopian view of 2016. Call […]

Neon invited to comment in Design Week – how to kickstart a new design project?
Design Week asked 5 designers what’s the first thing that they do when they’re faced with a new project. Obviously this was an opportunity to sound overly worthy and all buttoned down, but we thought being candid would give a better insight (as it has served us well). Here’s our snippet in the pic above […]

Neon invited to comment in Design Week – what makes a brand successful?
According to a report from Interbrand released last week, Apple, Google and Coca-Cola are the “best global brands” of 2015 – but what really makes a brand successful? Design Week asked designers what brands they think are doing things right. Here’s our snippet in the pic above and text below… “We live in a world […]

Neon invited to comment in Design Week – lightbulb moments.
Design Week asked 6 designers about their favourite designers about the lightbulb moments which they are most proud of. Here’s our snippet in the pic above and text below… “Hmm, it’s easy to sound self-satisfied here – and let’s face it, everything could be better. It depends on perspective. One favourite was a complex M&A […]

Neon invited to comment in Design Week – projects that never made it to reality.
Last week (17th July 2015) the Japanese government decided to scrap its design for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic stadium and start over. Design Week asked 6 designers about their favourite and most painstaking projects that never made it to reality. Thankfully we’ve had very few projects that have ‘got away’ but here’s our […]